Race to His Heart Read online

Page 4

  “So what if you mess up from time to time! You’re still great at what you do. I’ve seen you in action. You’re talented. Anyone would be a fool to let you go. And you have a lot of fans that love you. That right there makes everyone money.”

  “Thanks,” Connor said earnestly. “I appreciate it. But it doesn’t change the fact that I have to work hard and do whatever everyone else wants. If I had it my way, I would just race at the smaller circuits.”

  Maddie arched her eyebrows in surprise. Connor was acting the opposite of smug. “Really? That’s what you want? You don’t want the fame and the money?”

  Connor shook his head. “Sometimes it’s too much pressure.”

  “Why don’t you just retire then?”

  “No, not yet. Maybe in a few years. Like I said, I’m working to support a lot of people right now. When the time is right, I’ll stop. For now I just have to go with it.”

  “All right,” Maddie said, not wanting to stress him out too much. She knew without him saying that he kept up with the charade because the money was good. It was good enough to keep his fiancée in trendy clothes and pay for her weekend getaways. It was the only way to keep up the status quo.

  “What’s your favorite thing about racing?” Maddie asked, changing the subject. “The beautiful women that flock to you?”

  Connor blushed, but recovered his smile. “That ain’t bad, but no. I like the feeling of going around the track at two hundred miles per hour. It’s the most incredible rush.”

  “I can only imagine,” replied Maddie. She had always wanted to ride in one of those cars. Her mother would probably have a heart attack if she attempted it.

  “You’ve never been in a stock car?”

  “No.” Maddie was surprised that Connor had even asked that question. He was the only one she knew that raced anything and he had never invited her to check out the scene.

  “Oh, yeah. I guess you wouldn’t have.” Connor sat speechless for a moment.

  Maddie wondered what Connor was thinking. His glance would quickly brush her face and then dart back to the ground in front of them. He looked like he wanted to say something, but the apprehension silenced him. She stared out at her family and friends in the lit up street. The smell of sulfur lingered in the air.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” Connor asked out of nowhere.

  “Nothing,” Maddie replied, her spirit suddenly lifting.

  Connor shifted in the swing. He turned to face her before he went on. “Do you want to ride in my car tomorrow? I can arrange for us to go out on the track for a bit.”

  “You want to take me for a ride in the 27?” Maddie asked incredulously.

  Connor grinned and showed his perfectly straight teeth. “Sure, why not? Well, it may not be the exact car, but close to it.” It may have been dark, but Maddie was sure Connor could see the excitement in her eyes.

  “Okay, yes. I’d like to go for a ride.” Maddie discreetly swept her hand up and felt the melodious beat of her heart palpating in her chest.

  “Great! Can I pick you up around noon? That should give me plenty of time to get permission to go out and set up the car.”

  “Yeah, sure. Wow, thanks so much!” Maddie wanted to throw her arms around him and give him a hug, but held herself back. She suddenly felt curious eyes burning into the back of her head. She turned to see the majority of their group watching from afar as she and Connor made their plans.

  “We’re gonna light up the big stuff!” yelled Jim from the street. He motioned with his arms for Connor and Maddie to join them.

  “Let’s go!” said Connor as he pulled her off of the swing. She let him grab her by the hand and led her through the grass to join the rest of the group. They stood together, their arms touching slightly, as they watched the amazing display of colors and lights in the sky. Maddie could feel the moisture in Connor’s skin and wondered if he was as nervous as she was. The sweat crawled down the small of her back and dampened her thin shirt. She wasn’t sure if the perspiration was caused from the humidity in the air or from the fire that had just lit up inside of her.


  Maddie couldn’t sleep that night. Too many ideas and curiosities ran through her mind, causing her to toss and turn. She still couldn’t believe that Connor Gray had been at her house for a barbecue and then asked her to ride in his race car. It all seemed too good to be true.

  At noon, Connor pulled up in his rented truck to get Maddie for their promised adventure. She ran out of the house to join him, but not before leaving a short note to her parents about where she was headed, just in case they returned home from work before she did. She jumped in the truck and off they drove to the track in Daytona.

  “I can’t believe you came all the way back here to get me,” Maddie commented as they drove out of her neighborhood. She could have easily driven to Daytona herself, but Connor had insisted on picking her up. She definitely wasn’t complaining, though. The extra hour alone in the truck with him pleased her beyond any expectations.

  “Oh, it’s not that far. Really, it’s nice to see the town again.”

  Maddie stole a quick glimpse of Connor behind the wheel of the truck. He was wearing knee length cargo shorts and another white t-shirt, one with his team’s logo printed in turquoise on the right side. The lines of his chest pressed nicely against the material. He was clean-shaven and emitted a fresh, just-showered scent. The intoxicating smell stirred emotions in her that had lay dormant for so many months and suddenly she missed the touch and feel of a man more than anything.

  The menacing horizon loomed ahead and dark storm clouds hovered in the distance. The tall palm trees that lined the highway swayed in the breeze. Hurricane season was just around the corner and boy, did the weather look formidable.

  “I hope it doesn’t storm today,” Maddie mentioned aloud as they drove.

  “That would spoil our fun, wouldn’t it?”

  Maddie shrugged, unsure of what to say next. She prayed that an interesting conversation would pop up so they weren’t trapped in an awkward silence. There was so much she wanted to ask him, but she was afraid of sounding bothersome. A knot of anxiety tightened inside of her as she combed her mind for something thoughtful to talk about.

  “I’m sure we could find something else to do if it does,” Connor added while glancing over at her. He smiled; it was bright and cheery and made the gloomy day seem miniscule.

  Maddie could feel the solid block of ice that surrounded her heart melt away. She couldn’t push away the feelings any longer; she was falling for Connor Gray in a way that she had never dreamed. Her heart pounded recklessly deep in her chest and the familiar tingling she felt the night before began to fester in her toes.

  “Do I get to wear a fire suit today?” Maddie asked.

  “Yes, and a helmet.”

  Maddie giggled. “Oh, great. Helmet hair afterward!”

  “You’ll love it so much that you won’t even care when it’s all over. In fact, I bet you’ll want to go again.”

  “No, I’ll want to see what’s under the hood.”

  “Ooh, even better!”

  Maddie loved the way that her and Connor were naturally hitting it off. It almost seemed like the old days when they were younger. They chatted about music and college until they got to the racetrack. Connor introduced her to more of his crew and some other officials that worked at the track. He showed her around the garage area and then took her back to the hauler. She followed close behind him, not wanting to miss a single second.

  “Wow, it’s like a little office in here!” Maddie exclaimed as she glanced around the narrow space. The hauler had steel cabinets on both sides with a narrow pathway that led to a sliding door. There was also a small room towards the back with a couch and flat screen TV. And of course, the area above was for the cars.

  “It makes the trip a little more comfortable,” Connor admitted. “You should see Chuck Walsh’s hauler. It’s better.”

  “Is Chuck here,
too?” Maddie asked. Chuck Walsh was another driver in the circuit. He was also part of Connor’s team, owned by a millionaire named Lucas Johnson. Chuck was an older and more experienced driver. Maddie remembered that Connor had once said that Chuck was his idol, his inspiration for getting into racing in the first place.

  “Yeah, he’s around somewhere in the yard. He’s probably packing up. They leave tonight.”

  Maddie frowned as she realized Connor would also be leaving town soon. She secretly wanted to spend more time with him, but was afraid to mention it. She didn’t want him to think she was trying to cozy up to him and take advantage of his kindness.

  “You okay?” Connor asked when he noticed the change in her facial expression.

  Maddie nodded. “When do you leave?” She hoped he would say never.

  “Tomorrow afternoon. I always stay in Daytona a little longer. My crew will head out with the hauler tonight.”

  “Oh. I guess you have to go, since it’s a long trip to Chicago from here.” She tried not to sound too disappointed.

  Connor threw a clean fire suit in her direction. It landed on the couch next to her. “It is a long trip, but I get to fly.” He pointed to the suit. “Put that on. You can change in the room behind you.”

  Maddie scooped up the suit and quickly changed. She thought about the excitement that was soon to come and forgot about him leaving the day after. She didn’t want to ruin her experience or spoil the short amount of time they got to spend together. Remember; consider yourself lucky. Not just anyone gets to hang out with a driver and ride in his car.

  Connor was already in his suit when Maddie slid open the door next to the cabinets. He held a helmet under each arm and smiled sweetly at her. She liked the way his eyes swept her up and down, while he took in the sight of his team colors. “Nice, very nice,” he remarked and she felt her cheeks burn with chagrin.

  “Thanks,” Maddie said quietly, checking Connor out from head to toe, as well. Melissa was right, she thought, he is sexy in his suit.

  Connor nodded and handed her an aquamarine helmet. “Ready?”

  “Yes!” Maddie exclaimed and eagerly grabbed his free hand after taking the helmet. She pulled him out of the hauler and into the gleaming daylight.

  Connor took Maddie out to the track and showed her a different version of his car, one that had a seat for her to sit in beside him. They went around the track a few times, both fast and then taking it slow. He was careful not to do anything crazy, as that track was known for causing major accidents due to its steep embankment. She had a blast learning the basics of the car. The nerves in her face burned from smiling so much during the whole experience. Later, he took her back to the garage to look at his car and show her the engine. She noticed him smile as she gingerly swept her hand over the hood like it was made of silk. She looked up and met his eyes, grinning back at him from ear to ear.

  “That was so amazing!” Maddie said loudly as they made their way back to his rental truck. Their day at the track was over, but Maddie continued to be thrilled. “How do I ever repay you for this?”

  Connor slowed his pace and grabbed her hand. “Have dinner with me tonight,” he suggested.

  Maddie stopped in her tracks. “Dinner? With you?” she sputtered, losing her breath. “How is that me repaying you?”

  “You don’t want to have dinner with me?” he asked, trying to hide a tiny, playful smile.

  A wave of embarrassment washed over her. “That’s not what I meant. What I meant to say was, yes, I’ll have dinner with you. I’m just…confused.”

  “What are you confused about?”

  Maddie knew it was her feelings that were confusing her. She didn’t understand why she would be interested in a man that was already taken and why he would want anything to do with her. Everything in her right mind told her that it was wrong and she would be no better than that sleazy girl who stole her last boyfriend. Yet…there was something insatiable about the way he smiled and the smooth, seductive way he spoke to her. It was hard to resist this old friend of hers, who now was an attractive, mature guy who showed the same attentiveness as she.

  Maddie took a deep breath. “Well, for starters, how about the fact that you’re going out of your way to spend time with me. And I can’t ignore the big sign above your head flashing ‘taken’!” She didn’t want to seem rude, but she had to make sure she wasn’t setting herself up for disappointment.

  Connor tried to look hurt. “Why is it so horrible that I want to spend time with you? We’re old friends, remember? My fiancée should have nothing to do with that.”

  Fiancée, Maddie repeated in her mind. That word makes me sick.

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to get the wrong impression.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Connor interrupted. “What impression are you getting from me?”

  Maddie shrugged her shoulders. She felt a connection forming and it was more than just a friendly one. It was so intense that she had the distinct feeling that the more time they spent together the closer they would get to crossing a line. She wanted to touch Connor, to feel his warm lips upon her own, but she didn’t want to be a home wrecker, either. Her mind was going crazy contemplating over the two extremes.

  The sky was getting dark, despite it being only four in the afternoon. Thunder boomed up above. Both Maddie and Connor looked at each other, their conversation coming to a halt. Large, warm raindrops fell to the earth and the two ran for cover inside the truck. Maddie slicked her wet hair out of her face while Connor stared at her adoringly.

  “What? Do I look like a drowned rat?”

  Connor softly smirked. “No. You look…sweet. Like the girl I used to know.”

  “I’m still the girl you used to know,” Maddie replied as she ran her fingers through her hair. She let her eyes linger on the way his damp shirt clung to his chest. She scolded herself when she let her mind wonder about the other things beneath his clothes.

  “You’re still the girl next door, but you grew up. You’re like a better version of your younger self.” Connor wiped the water out of his eyebrows. “So, are you sure you still want to have dinner with me?”

  Maddie’s heart warmed some more and gave into temptation. “Yes, that sounds great. Do you mind waiting for me to get ready at my house? I’m sure you don’t want to be seen with me looking this way.”

  Connor laughed lightheartedly. “You look fine, but yes, I’ll wait for you to change.”

  The ride back to Maddie’s was a little quieter than the last. A whirlwind of thoughts flew through her mind. She liked Connor more and more with each ticking second, but couldn’t ignore the fact that he was engaged. No good can come out of this, she thought. I’m setting myself up to get hurt again. But, there’s something about him that draws me in. Maybe he’ll leave his fiancée when he realizes he feels the same about me. No, that’s insane. She’s blonde, beautiful and rich. I’m nobody. I bet Billy’s hussy thought the same thing when she was helping herself to him, even though he was in a committed relationship. I can’t be the other woman. It’s just wrong.

  “Hey,” Connor said, startling her. His brown eyes smoldered into hers as if he were trying to induce a spell. “We’re here.”

  Maddie blinked; her eyes burned from staring hard out of the window while she was lost in thought. She swatted away her imagination and climbed out of the truck. It was time to get ready for her date with Connor.

  Chapter 4: Connor

  Connor wandered around the Johnston’s living room, admiring their framed photographs and photo albums. He chuckled when he found a tattered picture in an album of him and Maddie in his old backyard. They were roasting marshmallows and wearing flashlights strapped to their foreheads. He found more photos of the two of them swimming in the Atlantic Ocean and building sand castles on the beach. He closed the album and tucked it under his arm, wanting to laugh at the photos with Maddie as soon as she came back downstairs.

  As Connor continued to mill a
round the room, a strong feeling of nostalgia bloomed within him. He secretly wished that they were children again and that they could go back in time to have sleepovers in his basement. He approached the fireplace and ran his hand over the glossy finished oak mantle. More old-fashioned pictures leaned up against the stone chimney and Connor paused to take a closer look. A large, eight by ten photo was perched in the center; it was their prom picture. He smiled to himself as he remembered that night, but then shook his head when he recalled Maddie running out on him when he had tried to kiss her. His eyes traveled on and found Maddie’s high school graduation portrait. She was wearing braces, with purple rubber bands, and gave the camera a paltry smile. He was so fixated on his old friend that he didn't notice her watching him from the staircase.

  “Okay, I’m ready to go,” Maddie said. Her voice startled him and he dropped the photo album that he'd been holding on to like it was a sacred religious text.

  “I’m sorry,” Connor said as he scrambled to gather it up. A few pictures had been knocked loose and fell in disarray around his feet.

  “Thanks for waiting,” she added.

  “No problem.” Connor placed the photo album back underneath the coffee table. He glanced up to meet Maddie’s gaze. He suddenly forgot all about the silly photos he had wanted to show her.

  He inhaled sharply.

  Maddie stood in front of him, glowing like an angel in a simple white eyelet dress. It was short; short enough to show off her amazing legs, but long enough to leave something to the imagination. Her hair, wet and sleek with a slight wave, snaked over her tan shoulders.

  “Wow, you look…great,” Connor stuttered. Her heavenly appearance stole his breath and made his heart skip a beat.

  Maddie blushed. “Thanks. Let’s get out of here before my parents get home.”

  Connor drove them a few miles south to a small Cuban restaurant that he remembered well. It had been one of his favorites growing up in Jacksonville. There had been several occasions when both of their families would gather there for birthdays or just to get together. Sometimes he would sit next to Maddie while they ate and pretend to hold her hand under the table. One time in particular, he recalled sharing a bowl of ice cream with her for dessert. The pleasant thought made him smile.